
See The Call of Sedona Launch for Yourself

The launch of my latest book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, was a special time for me. I would like to share that event with you through these video recordings:

The main part of the event began with powerful tradition Korean drumming by Sedona’s Rhythm.

Hansori Keliikuli and Yolessa Lawrinnce carried the power generated by their drums into their hula-inspired modern dance to a Hawaiian song followed by “I See You,” by Leona Lewis.

Bob Coates, who has taken photographs of me on several occasions, read the Introduction to the book.

Reverend Janet Kingsley of the Center for Positive Living Sedona graciously read a poem from the book titled “Sedona Message.”

I also gave a talk, and though I could have talked for several hours, I was limited to about forty minutes. So I shared as much as I could in that amount of time.

The emcee, Shondra Jepperson, asked me a couple of questions after my talk.

Then she asked me to play a flute, so I obliged her using my walking stick that is also a flute.

After I talked, local diva Jeanie Carroll sang “The Power of the Dream” with all her might. Sedona is a place where it is easier to find your dream.

Finally I signed the books of anyone who wanted. A local duo called Meadowlark played music in the background to entertain the crowd waiting in line.

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A Flute Performance at The Call of Sedona Launch

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Ileana Gabriela
    August 31, 2011 3:45 pm

    Thank you for this posting! 🙂

  • Beautiful!!! Thank you so Much!!!

  • Dear Seung Seu Nim – I was very excited to see that so much of the book launch was video’ed and posted here, and I was watching it all the way through the first 2 parts, very grateful to be able to hear and see your talk….. and then (I don’t know how to send this message to staff any other way, so I will do it here, even though I don’t really want to post it to ‘the world’) – it seems that a correction needs to be made, because the 3rd part of the talk (when you start to speak about Neale Donald Walsch) seems to be missing-instead of that 3rd section of your talk, the part with 2 Questions asked by Shonna is posted twice; then following that, even though it looks like it is ‘ready to go’, for the next segment where you played the flute, there is nothing posted, so there isn’t anything visible or audible that shows when one tries to view the segment of playing flute. So, I apologize that I posted this info here, and I’m sure it will be easy to fix this, and I will very much look forward to viewing the rest of it. I Loved your answer to the 2nd Question: Meet YourSelf.. May that be so for all of us, and for the soul of the world .Thank you so much for all the work you do and have done for us and for the world – ChunHwaSeOh — varda (in new mexico)

  • Never mind the section about playing the flute not showing – now it has come up, so that is no problem and is fine (I don’t know why it didn’t show before),, but I think that the 3rd section of the talk is still missing.. (and I would just like to correct the name of the person who asked the questions, Shondra, not Shonna… Thank you.

  • Yoshiko Rounpyma
    September 2, 2011 5:59 pm

    Thank you so much, so grateful that you broadcasting the event so soon. I wanted be there so bad when I first found the event but, I gave up to go by considering circumstance.
    I am so happy, my wish came through because of you as always. I felt I was there by watching them.
    Life Particles! Thank you again,

  • Sorry for the inconvenience Varda. All of the videos should be working properly now.


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