Brain Operating System

girl with a paper with a sad face in front of her face

Depression: The Starting Point


The most serious mental health issue faced by today’s society is depression. To find the answer we must look inside of the brain. The responsibility to improve the quality of your life and cure depression lies with you.

Ilchi Lee speaking to a meditation group at Sedona Mago Retreat in the Healing Garden

It’s Your Choice

On December 10, 2011, I gave an outdoor lecture to a group of people from Korea doing a meditation tour…
plugging into information

Who Is the Boss of Your Brain?


By listening to your conscience, you have access to a standard of values that enable you to do the best information processing. Values derived from outside sources, such as a desire for power and influence or a desire to benefit only specific groups of people, do not allow your brain to evaluate information as clearly. The wide eyes of your conscience balances the scales of judgment, allowing you to accurately weigh all information that comes your way. Your conscience is the ultimate information-processing function of your brain.